Sunday, October 25, 2009

I may look like Im dead, but Im asleep.

Today I had to go to the church the meet up with Friar Lawrence and Paris. I wasn't very excited but I got to wear one of my favourite outfits. Paris kissed my cheek and left the building. I stormed to the room in the back of the church and I could hear the Friar following me. My eyes immediately filled with tears and I just wanted to die. I didn't want to marry Paris, I don't like him! Friar tolled me to calm down but I did the worse thing I could ever do. I took a gun out and stuck it to my head. I screamed but I was totally un-aware of what I was saying. I was just so mad! I pointed the gun at the Friar and I could see him panicking. He told me to stop and he said he could help me. He tolled me he would give me a sleeping poison that would make me look like Im dead. That way I could miss the wedding and I wouldn't have to marry Paris. Then the Friar would mail Romeo a letter telling him the whole plan. Romeo would come back to get me once I wake up and we would leave Verona together. I thought the part about drinking a potion was crazy. You guys are going to think Im crazy but...I said yes. I told the Friar I would drink the poison If you guys think about it, its not a big deal! So my family will think Im dead! You guys know that Im not dead. And once I wake up, me and Romeo can run off together and live happily ever after! Please don't tell my parents Im actually alive. I know I wont see them ever again but Im doing it for love and happiness. And my parents don't care about any of that. I will miss you all so much but I will keep in touch with my blog. Who knows, one day me and Romeo may return. Goodnight :D


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